Free eCommerce industry benchmarks
Know where you stand with industry benchmarks pulled from our exclusive eCommerce dataset.
Access eCommerce benchmarks in the Wayflyer app
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Connect your data
Securely connect your marketing and store data to the Wayflyer app in as little as 5 minutes.
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Compare your metrics
We'll compare your metrics anonymously with a curated set of similar businesses.
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Get your benchmark reports
Get personalized benchmark reports to know where you stand versus industry peers.
Discover how your metrics stack up against the competition
Make data-driven decisions for your brand or agency
For brands
- Get data most of your competitors won't have
- Anonymously compare KPIs with a relevant competitor set
- Figure out if the peaks and troughs your business is facing are happening across the board
- Identify your metrics to improve
- Use data to take the guesswork out of your decision making
For agencies
- Separate yourself from the competition with data-driven insights
- Keep up-to-date with industry data trends
- Share hypotheses on why peaks and troughs are occurring
- Help your clients stay ahead of the curve
Sign up to access our exclusive eCommerce benchmarks
Securely connect your store with the Wayflyer app in minutes.